Is there anything more authentic than the Earth?

via Daily Prompt: Authentic

In a recent “Way of Rachel” spontaneity I ordered a beautiful book written in part by Julian Lennon-“Heal The Earth.” I follow Julian on Facebook and the opportunity to purchase this book with his authentic autograph made me smile. He is the son of John and Yoko Lennon and a wonderful artist and activist, etc in his own right. The book is beautiful. It is the second of a trilogy. Julian takes the reader on a journey with the magic White Feather as your guide, a healing adventure for our one and only Earth. Three taps of the feather and it turns into the White Feather Flyer, your transportation around the planet to heal Earth and its people.

Julian’s White Feather Foundation,, does remarkable work all over the world. His father, John Lennon, told him to look for a white feather after he passed, as a way for him to connect and reassure Julian that we are all going to be ok. Julian was given a white feather by the elders of the Australian Mirning tribe, asking him for help. And so the foundation was named and formed. Clean water, education and health and the protection of our environment and indigenous cultures-the betterment of all life is the purpose. A hefty job, but who better to spearhead it, take it on than Julian Lennon?

So I have his authenticated autograph, his authentic book and an overwhelmingly authentic feeling that we must all do much much more to help our authentic Earth be as astounding and healthy as possible.


Published by

The Way of Rachel

Painter of life through art, photography, writing, travel, food and hard-earned, often ridiculously fickle wisdom. MA in American Culture Studies, Washington University Saint Louis, "Doctorate" in Motherhood, Life Partnership, Self Studies, and still learning.

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